Thursday, November 8, 2012

Have you seen us online?

We are currently offering some of our screening services through websites like Constant Contact, Save Local, Living Social, and many others just like this!
You can check out one of our current offers by following this link.

Please Share this blog with everyone you know to keep updated on what's new at our office and health news that could save your life!

Stay Healthy!
-Dr. Lisa Kim Staff

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Can't wait for those gingerbread cookies?

During the busy holiday season, the last thing anyone wants to do is worry about their health. It's the most wonderful time of the year, and it should be spent with the people you love. But is it fair to your loved ones to ignore your health?

Whether you can't afford routine check-ups, you "know" you're healthy, or you genuinely are in denial about those recent symptoms you've been suffering from, it is still important to know exactly where you stand with your health. We understand how difficult it is to deal with health issues that you've never experienced before, but the absolute worst thing you could do is ignore a warning sign, even if you're scared of what it could mean.

We offer screening services that help put you in the driver seat of your health, and face you in the right direction to good health. Our staff wants to be there with you to help you through whatever it is you are going through, and we want to make you feel comfortable about your health and your issues. It is important to get screenings to understand what is going on with your body, as well as what you need to do to help extend your life to its fullest.

Please call us today and let us help you turn over a new leaf and be the one in charge of your health!

Stay warm!
-Dr. Lisa Kim Staff

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Did working out get your head spinning?

Tip of the Day

Have you ever felt dizzy after working out? It may be a "runner's high", or maybe you feel so attractive that you can't handle it (go you, for being so awesome and working out a lot!).
Although we both know you're not full of yourself, you should still pay more attention to your body (and we don't mean staring into a mirror all day)! Exercise can cause your blood sugar to drop even hours after your workout, which can contribute to this light-headed, dizzy feeling.

According to The American Diabetes Association, your body can burn glucose for up to 24 hours after exercise (depending on the intensity and duration of your activity)! 

"With long or hard exercise, you use glucose stored in your liver for fuel. After the exercise is over, your body wants to replenish those glucose levels as soon as possible. If there is no food available, the glucose is pulled from your blood stream, which can cause hypoglycemia"
"To help prevent low blood glucose, check your blood glucose about every 45 minutes after a hard workout and gauge whether your blood glucose is going down, going up, or leveling off. If it is going down, eat a few carbs and keep checking until you level off."

Don't let this news scare you! Working out is a great way to keep yourself happy and healthy, but it's important to maintain a good diet as well. Exercise can help you loose weight, which can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, and help you kick some meds off of your refill list. Blood sugar levels can be monitored at home, or even within our office (Did I mention our new Screening Services?), for your convenience.
So after that long run, it's okay to eat some carbs, but don't get carried away and make that work out worthless!

Stay Healthy!
-Dr. Lisa Kim Staff